Skegness Light Parade 2021


View the full SKLP 2021 photo Album

The seventh Skegness Light Parade was held on 25 September 2021 with 104 inscriptions for the event.  Although this was a fall in numbers from previous years, we were very pleased to see how many had decided to venture forth after the Lockdown restrictions of COVID and the concerns that infections were still running high.  However, as in years before, wingers came from all parts of the country to join in and help us raise money.   This year we were blessed with good weather and we were also highly fortunate to have the agreement of the local council to close Lumley Road for the day making the whole of the street a pedestrian walk-way and providing plenty of space for us to park up and show off our bikes.  Furthermore, the streets of Skegness were packed with late season holiday makers who were enjoying the last warm days before autumn sets in.  This meant that Lumley Road was packed with sight-seers who came to enjoy our event.

         As before, the Golden Palm Holiday Resort in Chapel St Leonards hosted our weekend and also provided a fantastic raffle to help raise money for our adopted charity.  This year our efforts were once again aimed to raise money for LIVES (Lincolnshire Integrated Voluntary Emergency Service). 

        The weekend started on Friday with inscription and a briefing for the Lincs-wingers who would play active roles in the event.  This was followed by our static light display in the local car park, where camp residents had the chance to walk around and see the bikes, (and wingers got the chance to say hello and renew old acquaintances).

        Saturday morning found us all assembling in Lumley road ready to receive bikes and visitors.  Marshalls patrolled the ends of the street so that only bikes and emergency vehicles could enter (despite the protestations of some frustrated motorists).  Martin and Mike ensured that all 80 bikes were parked neatly along the road, whilst Stephen's stewards tried their best to avoid members of the public from being run over as bikes made their way into place.  As always, Lincswings ladies manned the inscription desk and also operated the cake stand (a great favourite for bikers) selling cakes and goodies that had been donated for the cause. 

        One really interesting visitor to our event was a lady with her pet skunk Daisy.  Yes I did say pet skunk.  This little beauty was very well behaved and had the finest fur coat you could imagine.

        The static parade lasted from 10.00am until 4.00pm, after which many bikes returned to camp for a rest and sustenance.  We then re-assembled at 6.00pm to get ready for the light parade.  A total of 80 bikes formed up for the parade and we were greeted by The Jolly Fisherman, the deputy Mayor and the lovely Skegness Carnival Queen.   

    Finally a word from Sandy and Peggy the founders and event organisers.

We would like to thank everyone for making yesterday a fantastic event……
For all the wingers who travelled on their bikes/trikes from all over the country…. The furthest being from Devon & Cornwall. Over 300 miles.
For everyone who helped during the day & evening…. Marshals , stewards… running the cake stall and list goes on!
For the beautiful cakes & pastries people made & donated.
For the support of the public…..the biggest crowd we’ve ever seen lining the streets to watch us….. thank you all from the bottom of hearts …..the money raised throughout the day is for LIVES (Lincolnshire Integrated voluntary emergency services)
Plus we must thank Visit Lincs Coast BID for funding our traffic management/road closure and event medical care...
Plus support & sponsorship from PDFS, The Hildreds Shopping Centre and
The Golden Palm Resort
We will see you all again next year 24th September 2022…..
(if anyone’s has photos of last nights parade please post them to Skegness Light Parade Facebook)…., Thank you all


View the full SKLP 2021 photo Album

SKLP 2021 Video - Bryan Harrison

SKLP 2021 Video - David Powell

SKLP 2021 Video - Stephen Porter

SKLP 2021 Video - 360

SKLP 2021 Video - Busters Fun Pub



====== See you all next year =======


Pictures by Stephen and Lynne.