Skegness Light Parade 2024
The 2024 Skegness Light Parade was our 10th Anniversary because we missed one year due to COVID. So as it was to be our 10th year we aimed to make it the biggest and best yet.
Sandy and Jayne (Peggy) had worked tirelessly throughout the year to produce a grand spectacle but it had not been without a few head aches and heart aches as the various authorities involved in the planned kept changing their minds. Never-the-less, by the time the parade date rolled around, they had finally managed to pin everyone down. Our original plan had been to take over the Grand Parade from the Clock Tower to McDonalds. However, following the Gay Pride parade earlier in the year, the Council decided not to allow us the same setting. Instead we returned to our regular place along the Lumley Road. So here's how the weekend went:
Golden Palm Static Display
After the Lincs Wingers had attended our mandatory "Safety Briefing" as staff members, we proceeded to the Golden Palm Car Park for a Static display which was judged by members of the Golden Palm Staff. Here's an album of the evening. The Static parade is put on for the benefit of people staying at the Golden Palm Holiday Camp and it was well attended. The evening was quite cool so we didn't have as many bikes displaying as in past years but it was still enough to attract a good crowd. The Campsite staff judged the bikes and their lighting schemes with the following results:
Best solo bike Best Trike
Stephen Taylor. Bev FrancisThe next day, Lincs wingers set out at 08.30 to put up gazebos, tables and attractions. We all pitched in to help get everything ready, although we were a little stymied by the big tent we had been loaned (it was a bit bent up and difficult to raise). However with a lot of brute strength and tie-wraps we finally managed to raise it. That's when the Balloon Man and Face Painter stepped in to set up shop. The ladies filled 2 tables with teddy bears and soft toys which had been donated by many of the local fun fare attractions. Tickets were £2 each and they guaranteed a win, so kids were going away very happy. The next table was tombola with many prizes followed by the Macmillan Nurses running the Cake Stall. Macmillan were also running the "Guess the Teddy Bear's name" which was finally won by Max who guessed the name as "Henry" which was actually his middle name. Check our album and click the "People" tab to see everyone who helped make the day a success.
By 10.00 am bikes were already rolling in from all around. This year we switched the entry point to the top end of the Lumley Road which meant that new bikes entering from the Lumley roundabout didn't have to fight their way past the crowds to get to a parking space. It also made the lives of the Steward and Marshalls much easier than previous years. Indeed, the road filled up very quickly and we soon had bikes parked from Hildred's up past the HSBC bank and even further. As the day wore on further bikes continued to arrive in ones and twos to add to the display until we almost filled the road.
During the day, marshals and stewards patrolled the road to ensure everyone's safety, whilst the rest of our staff manned the Inscription desk and our other attractions. At the bottom of the road, a grand stage was set up with bands and individuals performing music throughout the day. Pictures of the daytime static display are in our album. Just click "Day Parade" to see if you can find your favourite bike.
A regular visitor to our parade, Jack, has been coming to see the event since we began in 2014. Jack was just 9 years old at our first parade and he needed help from his family as he suffers from Cerebral Palsy. This means he has no control over his limbs or his speech. However, despite being confined to a body that won't cooperate, he is still a young man on the inside. This year his family brought him once again to see the parade and despite the fact that Jack cannot speak, he certainly managed to communicate his joy at being present for the event. Here are a few pictures of Jack and his supporters as they came to see the day time parade.
Jack is now 19 years old and is doing well, he even has a new bigger wheel chair to accommodate his growing frame. So thanks for coming to see us Jack and we hope to see you again next year.
The daytime parade finally began to disperse by around 3.30 pm and the Lincs Wingers and our other helpers then set about taking down all of the gazebos, tables and chairs ready for the evening. After a short rest and a well earned meal, we all returned to the Lumley Road by 6.00pm to start assembling the Light Parade. Lincs wingers bikes all gathered at the front so that everyone behind would have someone to follow. Indeed, although we had lots of goldwings returning from previous years we also had many new wingers who were trying out the experience for the very first time.
We even had a newly wedded couple who asked if they could have their pictures taken with the Goldwings. Here are the happy couple together with the Mayor.
We also had a pair of prospective new wingers who arrived with their bikes all lit up and ready to join the parade. Unfortunately they will have to wait a few years before they can join in.
Eventually 7.30pm arrived and we set off with Sandy and Martin in the lead followed by Mike with the Mayor on his back seat. The parade struck out to the Clock Tower and as always the roundabout was packed with spectators wanting to get the first look at our bikes. We rode up the Grand Parade with lights flashing, horns blaring and music playing to the adulation of people crowded along both sides of the road. All the way up to the end of the parade, we made a sharp turn in front of the Northend carpark then retuned to the Clock Tower.
The parade was escorted by a rolling road closure and each entry and crossing was patrolled by stewards to make sure no-one could get hurt or get in the way of our convoy. The leading elements of the parade returned to the Clock Tower just as the final bikes in the parade were just turning in. So our parade made a continuous stream of bikes stretching both sides of the Grand Parade from top to bottom as we made 5 complete circuits. The parade was finalised by a magnificent fireworks display from the HIVE as we made our last turn back to the Lumley road and then back to base.
The best photos of the parade were taken by the spectators but you can see many of these, including videos of the parade by visiting our Skegness Light Parade page on Facebook and by clicking the "Light Parade" button in our album.
After the parade we returned to the Golden Palms Camp site for a beer and a chat. This was where the Camp staff announced the prizes from their raffle and the scratch cards that they had sponsored. Then Sandy took the stage to announce and hand out awards for this year's parade.
Furthest travelled went to Michael Hassel
Best attended region was Capital wings
Best solo bike was Stephen Taylor.
Best Trike went to Bev Francis
Jayne Sands memorial award went to Graham and Sandie Eagles
Jayne (Peggy) received an award for all her hard work
Also Marie from the Golden Palms received an award
to thank her for all the work she has put into the light paradeYoung Max won the MacMillan "Name the teddy".
He was chuffed to bits as Henry is his own middle name.On our 2023 parade we raised £5000 for the MacMillan Nurses. This year we managed to top over £6000 and the tally was still being counted as more donations arrive, This year we had 125 inscriptions and we counted 89 bikes/trikes taking part in the Light Parade. So a great big THANK YOU to everyone who took part and helped to make this a brilliant 10th Anniversary parade. Moreover, a great big thank you goes to Jayne and Sandy who have worked tirelessly throughout the year to make it all happen. Well done to all and we hope to see you at next year's parade on 4 October 2025.
View our pictures in the SKLP 2024 Album
Please note that Lincswings are not responsible for the content
of videos. These links are included for your information only.