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LINCS WINGS Out and About

(May - July) 2024

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Here are photos from different events and visits during the year
sent in by our members.


My Horn didn't work

This is not a euphemism for anything. 

Coming home from the Boston Bike Night I realised that my horn was not working.  So next day I started checking around.  First I considered the fuse but then I realised that the fuse also supplied the power for the indicators and these were okay.  So next I popped the front faring off to check wiring and found no voltage getting through to the horns.  Next I opened up the wiring loom to check for broken wires but no joy.  I then stripped the switch unit on the left handlebar to check the horn switch.  Its very very tight in there.  The switch looked okay but there was no voltage getting through to it.

Now it was time to dig deep and so off came the top fairing the console and the side fairings just so I could get to the wiring underneath.  That's when I found this teeny weenie little 2 pin plug that some how had not been pushed together properly. 

So alls well that ends well - hope I can put it all back together again.


pictures by Stephen


Boston Bike Night - 4 July 2024

The famous annual bike night in Boston was almost cancelled this year due to inflated costs.  However, they were lucky to find a generous sponsor and so the show (still) goes on.  This year's show was a belter with more bikes than I've ever seen before.  Lincs wings used to take up  position in Wide Bar Gate, but this year we didn't have many takers and so our prime position was grabbed by a group of scooter riders (how embarrassing).  Trevor, Marion and Stephen T arrived around 6.00pm to find the place absolutely packed.  We were directed through Wide Bar Gate and then onwards to the town centre (I'd never even been there before!!).  We parked up at the very bottom of the parade which meant it was easy to amble all the way up and then all the way back. 

First stop was fish and chips, very tasty, and then we wandered up the road admiring bikes and taking photos.  We then stopped for ice creams before heading up to the top of the parade where we found Dave and his GL1500.  Next up was a blue trike which had been built by Tilly (honest that's what he told me) and then a disabled trike capable of transporting a wheel chair, driven by Barry.  Over the road we entered the sellers booths and found Ray with his highly polished GL1800 (Ray likes to polish).  Heading back we encountered some vintage BSA machines that had been lovingly restored and we watched them set off back home - what a sight. 

Bikes were parked up in every side street and even at 7.30 pm they were still arriving and packing into the spaces.  Harleys making their distinctive sounds, Japanese crutch rocket screaming their engines to show off.  Yes it was a bike Night to remember.  There were thousands of bikes there and even more people when you add in all the visitors that came to view the spectacle.  Although we didn't meet up with more Lincs Wings, I heard later that both David L (his DCT and trailer were displayed at the IAM stand) and John S (parked somewhere near the Stump) were indeed there.  There were just too many people to be able to single out the ones we knew from the crowd.

Eventually we had walked and photoed ourselves to distraction so we decided to head off.  However, our prime parking spot at the end of the parade was well boxed in by lots and lots of other bikes.  Fortunately we managed to sneak our wings through a very narrow gap between bikes and finally made our escape.

Here is an album to give you some idea of the evening.

Pictures by Stephen


Skegness Fish and Chips - 21 June 2024

When the weather is fine, Doug and Sue get out and about. This time they visited Skegness to enjoy a scrummy fish and chip lunch followed by Ice Cream.  Sue's only complaint was the 40p charge to use the loo !  For us old timers who remember real money, that's nearly ten bob and I remember when it was just an old penny. Who needs that kind of inflation in the toilet.  At least you can find free parking for bikes there.  Here is Doug enjoying the sunshine.

Picture by Sue


Trent Drop-in Weekend - 9 June 2024

Debbie, Mark, Sue and Doug went to the drop in at
South Wingfield last weekend. Alan, Cheryl and team did a great job as did the staff at the Social Club.

Unfortunately we didn’t take the bikes but we had a great time. We visited Belper and Matlock Bath on the bus.

Click here to see the photos


Pictures by Debbie


Spalding Flower Show - May 2024

The Spalding Flower Show is an event that attracts thousands of visitors to the region to experience the fantastic creations that the people of Spalding put together each year.  This year Debbie and Mark, together with Sue and Doug decided to bring out their wings and join the celebrations.  Although parking can be a bit of a trial, a very nice fellow gave permission for them to park up the bikes on his front lawn.  In the meantime, they wandered around the parade and sent me some nice photos to mark the occasion. so click the photo below to view the album.


Click to view photo album

Photos by Sue and Debbie


May Bank Holiday - 5 May 2024

On a glorious bank holiday Sunday, Doug and Sue took to their yellow peril for a pleasant rideout around Lincolnshire.  We really do have some lovely biking roads and so the happy couple set out to enjoy the sunshine and to see what occurs. Their journey took them past the Railway cafe near Boston and so they just had to stop for coffee and cakes. Beautiful weather and a lovely day out.

Pictures from Sue


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