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(May - July) 2019

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Here are photos from different events and visits during 2019
sent in by our members.


Boston Bike Night - 4 Jul 2019

A pleasant side-benefit of holding our Wing Ding at Kirton this year was the ease with which wingers could attend the Boston Bike Night.  This is easily the best attended Bike Night in Lincolnshire and the turnout of Goldwings only added to the success of the night.  Here is a photo of our group parked on Wide Bargate in Boston just as things were getting started.

Picture by Trevor E


LINCS Wings Wing Ding 2019 - 3 to 7 Jul

LINCS WINGS held our Wing Ding at Graves Park Social Club this year in Kirton near Boston.  We were pleased to see a great turnout with wingers coming from far and wide to join in our festivities.  A rideout on Friday headed for Woodhall Spa where we parked up in the Methodist Church carpark to enjoy a few hours of mooching around the town.  The ride back was made in good order with Trevor E leading on his Trike and with Sandy blocking traffic with his van at strategic points along the way.  The Saturday rideout went to Burghley House near Stamford organised by Trevor W.  Unfortunately the weather was none too kind that day so turn out was a bit lower, whilst others took shelter under a cold beer !!.  Saturday night entertainment was provided by a Status Quo tribute band along with bingo and raffle and Sunday was the traditional wellie wanging competition. The weather over the weekend was changeable but overall we enjoyed a great time together.  Thank you to everyone who supported our Wing Ding and congratulations to the Wing Ding Committee for a well organised event and well done to the Graves Park Sociasl Club for lovely grub and a great weekend. Click here to see pictures of our Wing Ding.

Pictures by Stephen T, Lynne, Trevor E .....


Broadlands Wing Ding

Mick, Helen, Maria and Steve stayed for the week end at Broadlands Wing Ding this year.  Trudy and Trevor came for the day with Mick tunnelling in to catch the Elvis entertainment.  They went for a day out to the Dad's Army Museum in Thetford.  Click here for the photos.


Pictures by Steve and Marie


Steve and Marie in Scotland

Maria and Steve went to Scotland with the bike and Motorhome for 16 nights.  Unfortunately, it was very wet and they only got the bike out for 4 trips out:  Oban, Fort William, Robbie burns Museum the Kelpies Falkirk and the Island of Seil.  Click here for the photos.

Pictures by Steve and Marie


Sussex Wing Ding - 16 Jun 2019

Mark and Debbie, Doug and Sue took a run over to Eastbourne last weekend to attend the Sussex Wing Ding.  Here's Mark receiving an award for the furthest travelled winger.  Well done Mark and Debbs.  They also took trips out to Battle Abbey and Hastings to top off the weekend.  Take a look at the photo album provided by Sue and Debbie.


Dutch Treffen  6 - 10 June 2019

Here's an update from Ian on his trip to the Dutch Treffen with Larry.  We left home on 5 June 2019 to catch the Hull to Rotterdam overnight ferry.  We met fellow wingers on the ferry Steve Cox and Chris Hunter (Classic Rep). They were both on their GL1000’s going to the Dutch Treffen and continuing onto to the classic 4 cylinder tour.  We arrived at the Treffen in Dordrecht approx 10.30 on the 6th. The Treffen ran from the Thursday to the following Monday, which was the bank holiday in Holland.

On the Friday we went to Bikers Best being a Goldwing Mecca, led by Chris Hunter. Biker’s Best has many Goldwings for sale and the owners own collection of mainly wings and a few other Honda models.  Friday night and all day Saturday presented weather problems, mainly being the wind for 18 hours of winds between 40-50mph, so my wing did not move on the Saturday. Overall a very good Treffen and my first European mainland Treffen, similar in size to the British Treffen. The Dutch Treffen is a biker only event that doesn't allow camper vans and caravans.  In the pics, me, larry, Chris Hunter, Steve Cox, Chris and Annie Easter, Mark and Katie from Trent. Katie received the award for the youngest rider at the age of 20.  Click on the Dutch Flag to see Ian's pictures.

Pictures by Ian 


Picnic at Gunthorpe Lock - 2 June 2019

The weather in the previous week had been glorious but you might have guessed, as soon as someone mentioned the word 'picnic' the clouds started to gather.  Well a few of us were undaunted and so Trev & Marion and Stephen & Lynne joined up at Sleaford and then rode to the Friendly Farmer in Newark where we met Ian & Sue.  We were also expecting Larry but he eventually phoned-in to say he had been delayed by an incident on the A46 and then his bike wouldn't start.  Thankfully we heard later that he got himself sorted out but decided to return home to look further into the problem.  At around 11.50 the group set off from the Friendly Farmer and followed some lovely back roads to arrive at Gunthorpe around 12.30.  We first took a walk along the river Trent down to the lock, and after chatting and watching the boats for a while we returned to the picnic area.  Yes that's when it started to rain so we sheltered under a friendly tree until it abated and then sat down to enjoy our fodder.  Trevor had been busy in the kitchen and had cooked up some home made sausage rolls which he kindly shared around.  We enjoyed a lull in the rain while we ate lunch but then it started up again with a vengeance so we got dressed up and set off back the way we had come to Newark where Ian & Sue split off to the A46.  The rain followed us all the way down the A17 to Sleaford and then as Stephen & Lynne stopped to refuel, the rain just dried up.  Still we had a nice day out so our thanks to Ian & Sue for thinking up the idea and for leading the ride-out.  Here are a few pictures of the day out at Gunthorpe.  Just click the picture to view the album.


Pictures by Stephen & Lynne


Woody's Bar Bike Night - 13 May 2019

The weather was still holding well so a group of us decided to pop over to Woody's Bar at Woodland Waters in Ancaster for their regular Monday Bike Night.  Ian & Sue, Doug and Stephen T all showed up on bikes (although Ian was on his Valkyrie whilst Doug brought his Harley) and we met up with some old friend Dick & Pat and Mandy & Mo.  So a pleasant chat and a few drinks followed by a wander around the bikes then back home.  A very nice evening out.  Click on the pictures to view the photo album.

Pictures by Stephen


May Meeting and Rideout - 12 May 2019

The Region met for our monthly meeting on 12 May at Market Rasen Cricket Club.  After indulging in a yummy bacon roll, Sandy kicked off the meeting with an update on Tim Brooks.  Again we wish him a speedy recovery.  Plans for the Skegness Light Parade are now well advanced and we will be cruising a different route supported by road closures during the parade.  It was also decided that the end of the parade will continue back to the Golden Palm Resort instead of us all trying to cram back into the car park.  Our plans for the Wing Ding were also discussed whilst ironing out  details for the rideouts and games for the weekend.  Dave Partridge will be in attendance with his van so if you want him to work on your bike, please give him a call and book it.  The ground will be open from Wednesday afternoon and inscription will open at 10.00am on Thursday.  We hope to see you there.

Following the meeting a group of us, Ian & Sue, Sandy & Peggy, Trev & Marion, Doug & Sue, and Stephen & Lynne, set off to Newfield Dairy near Newark.  The trip, led by Ian and Sue, was supposed to follow the backroads but this was stymied by road closures and a bike race around Lincoln.  Still hey ho we had a good trip out and finally got to the Dairy with a final blast down the A1.  Here we are getting stuck into meals, drinks and of course ice creams.

Pictures by Stephen


Squires Cafe - 5 May 2019

What better way than to start the month and a Bank Holiday Sunday with a ride out to Squires Cafe.  The first 4 bikes met up at Lincoln Racecourse Stadium car park: Larry, Stephen & Lynne, Trevor & Marion, and Ian & Sue.  We set off at 1030 heading for Trent Port Gainsborough then up to the North avoiding the A1 entirely.  We stopped half way along at a MacDonalds for Coffee and Pee break and arrived at Squires around 1 O'clock.  The parking was pretty full of bikes but we managed to find some handy slots and then we met up with more Lincs Wingers.  Mark & Debbie, Doug & Sue had made their own way up and had arrived before us.  First we went in for a Carvery meal in Squires Cafe which was plentiful and tasty.  Then a wander around the Bike Accessories shop.  Stephen bought a pair of gloves and Marion was trying on a new helmet but she didn't go for it.  After cruising around to look at the bikes Stephen & Lynne with Trevor & Marion set off back home taking the quick route down the A1 to Newark where we stopped for Coffees and then A17 back home.  A round trip of about 175 miles.  Thanks to Ian and Sue for leading a nice steady ride through the countryside.  Click on the picture below to view a little album of photos from the day.

Pictures by Stephen


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