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(Jan - Apr) 2022

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Here are photos from different events and visits during the year
sent in by our members.


Hunstanton Light Parade - 19 March 2022

The Hunstanton Light Parade took place on 19 March 2022.  Lincs Wings attended in force and received the best attended region trophy with 15 members.  Doug and Sue, Mark and Debbie, Keith and Linda, Steve and Maria, Mick and Helen all chose to stay over for the weekend. Trevor, Ian and Sue, Stephen and Lynne, and Dave decided just to make the day trip.  We assembled on the Green at 12.00 o'clock with the 55 bikes and trikes that had come to join the show.  The weather was clear and bright, but the north wind had decided to make an appearance making the ride there and back a little breezy.  The Green was well populated with bikes and on-lookers when we arrived and after we parked up it was great to say hello to old friends.

    We took a stroll around the town to spy out a comfortable eating place and we found The Marine Bar offering steaks and all sorts of home cooked meals. We returned there later for dinner and spent 2 hours in comfort enjoying a great meal and a pleasant drink.

    At 6.00 pm we walked down to the Coach Park where the parade sets up and proceeded to fix up our lights whist visitors and the Mayor can around to admire and judge the bikes.  The parade set off around 7.00 pm and looped around the town a few times before parking up at the end of the Esplanade so that the crowd could walk around and admire the bikes. 

    All finished, Trev, Stephen and Lynne and Dave went back to the Coach park to de-rig the lights then set off back home.  Fortunately, although we had encountered quite a long traffic queue at Sutton Bridge on the way there, the return trip was much easier so that Lynne and I got back home for 8.30 pm and a nice cup of tea.

    Our thanks to Norfolk Wings for organising the event and raising over £1600 for the air ambulance, and congratulations to Trevor who won the best bike trophy and to Mick who won the best Trike trophy.  Hope to see you all again next year.

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Pictures by Stephen


March meeting at Market Rasen

Our first regional meeting of 2022 was held at Market Rasen Cricket Club.  The meeting was originally planned for 13 March but it seems there was a scheduling conflict and so instead we met on 27 February in our usual place.  This was our first get together since November last year so there was lots of meeting and greeting and plenty of catching up from Christmas and the New Year.  The gradual reduction of COVID protection measures meant that we could actually meet and shake hands like good bikers do.

            This was the first meeting run by Mark, our new Representative and he managed a well-polished display of patience and chairmanship as he provided his report on the recent GWOC Open Meeting.  Unfortunately, Debbie was a bit poorly today and so Mark performed on his own, greatly supported by Sue, who stood in to take the minutes.

            The first order of business was to welcome new and re-joining members to the Region.  Alan and Joan where long-standing members of Lincswings and Alan was re-joining the fold after losing his wife Joan, who sadly passed away last year aged 70.


            Items on our agenda included planning for 2022.  Last year, we decided to hold regional meetings every 2 months and to fill the gaps with a planned Ride-out for the intervening months.  Mark asked if we wanted to stick with this pattern now that COVID issues seemed to be settling down.  However, it was agreed that we would stick with the plan for now to see how it goes.

            Our Chat and Chill Wing Ding is planned for 30 June – 3 July, to be held at Market Rasen CC grounds. Mark sought out a group of volunteers for a Wing Ding Committee to look after all the planning and the arrangements for the weekend.   Sandy bravely volunteered to organise the quiz for the Saturday night entertainment.

            Although Sandy has stepped down as our regional Rep, he and Peggy would remain the key organisers for the Skegness Light Parade, planned for this year to take place on Saturday 24 September.  Sandy reported he had attended a meeting with Skegness Town officials and had started the task of wading through the mountain of paperwork in preparation for the event.  He also pointed to new legislation, currently going through Parliament, that required even stiffer control of crowds and security to guard against the possibility of terrorist actions.  He explained that failure to properly police the event could lead to him ending up in prison – however, we did point out that this would give him free time to organise the next event.  Joking aside, the authorities are taking these threats very seriously and it will be incumbent on us all to help support Sandy and Peggy to make the event a success.

            Of the 22 Lincswings members attending our meeting, outside the meeting Hall this chilly February morning, were just 4 bikes in the car park.  Our intrepid bikers included Trevor and Marion, Stephen and Lynne, Keith and Linda, and our new member Josh on his GL1800 DCT Bagger.  Yes, it was a bit windy and cool but it was a great day for taking the bike out for a breath of fresh air through the intakes. 

Keith and Linda                                Josh         


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