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 (Aug - Dec) 2023

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Here are photos from different events and visits during the year
sent in by our members.


Scunthorpe Riders - Christmas Run

The Scunthorpe Riders, ably assisted by Mark and Michael, completed this year's Christmas run to Scunthorpe Hospital.  Despite some dreadful weather, riders took to their bikes to deliver toys and presents to the kids currently in hospital.  Well done riders, I'm sure that the kids appreciate your efforts as it brings a smile to young faces.

Pictures from Debbie



Lincswings AGM - 5 Nov 2023

The Lincswings AGM was held at Rase Park on 5 Nov 2023.  With just 13 members present, we elected Sandy for a return performance as our Regional Rep.  Our thanks go to Mark and Debbie for their sterling service as joint Rep over this last year. At the same time, Jayne agreed to take over the duties of Treasurer from Sue.  Our sincere thanks go to Sue for her many years of faithful service in this post.  Stephen (that's me) was re-elected to be the Webmaster and Wingspan reporter.


Sandy (Rep)                Jayne (Treasurer)

Stephen gave his report on the Lincswings website and he had been most surprised to realise that the website has now been up and running for 10 whole years.  Stephen explained that the website acted as a notice board for up coming events and as an archive of the Lincswings history since 2013.  It also included articles of interest and contact details for regional members.  Of most importance, he stressed that the contents of the website relied upon our members sending in photos and details of their Goldwing adventures.

Following the AGM, we held voting for the Whoops of the Year and the Winger of the year.  The Whoops award went to Michael for stalling his bike right at the front of the Skegness Light Parade this year (Oooops). The Winger of the year award was presented to yours truly (Stephen).  This was quite a surprise to me but gratefully received.

At the end of the meeting, Jayne conducted a report of this year's Skegness Light Parade and invited comments or suggestions on how we may improve things for next year.  She reported that this years parade had raised an impressive £4840.09 in donations.  It was then decided that Lincswings would top this up by adding another £160.00 to make a total of £5000.09.  Yes, she insisted on the extra 9 pence !!  Well by all accounts, next year's Parade can be even bigger and Sandy hopes to be able to close off the Beach road from the Clock Tower to the Grosvenor Hotel and have live music and tables and chairs out in the street.  With the support of local businesses, the parade should attract even more people.

Finally, Sandy presented a cheque for £3500 raised from last year's Light Parade to the LIVES representative.  Our donation was received with thanks.

Pictures by Stephen


Bubble Car Museum Rideout - 7 Oct 2023

    Six bikes and one trike assembled at the Horncastle Garden Centre for a quick cuppa before we followed Trevor for a ride down to Langrick to visit the Bubble Car museum.  Stephen/Lynne, Doug/Sue, Mark/Debbie, Trevor/Marion/Dave, Michael and Martin C all got up early for a Lincs Wings rideout.  We set out at 11.30 heading back into Horncastle and then south to the turn-off for Revesby.  This is a famous biker road known as Revesby bends and it is a really bendy road.  At the end of the road, we headed west towards Coningsby and then south for Langrick.  The Bubble car museum is just about a mile short of Langrick on the right as you head south.  Parking space was adequate but the ground covering consisted of crushed sea shells which made manoeuvring a heavy bike quite a challenge.  However, we parked up and entered the museum.  At £4 a head it was a great trip down memory lane. with cars, bikes and many other artefacts from the 50s, 60s and 70s.  It was quite nostalgic walking around and remembering the way things were years ago.  We walked around the exhibits and then realised that there was more upstairs.

    After we all had chance to drink in the ambience of past years, we came together once more in the car park for a group photo.  We then set off again going south to Hubbert's bridge turning west and then west again on the A17 for Heckington and the Boston Sausage Shop.  This is a great place that sells quality meats, pies and sausages and also boasts a nice restaurant through the back.  Fortunately, Sue had proposed the idea and Debbs had the foresight to book us a table so we could all sit down to a scrummy lunch. Finally, when all appetites had been satisfied, we split up to make our own way home.  Here are a few pictures of our day out

  Pictures by Stephen


Skegness Light Parade 24 Sep 2023

After a rocky start when we thought the parade might have to be cancelled through lack of sponsorship, we were lucky that sponsors in Skegness decided to step in and assist.  This was our 9th year of the Skegness Light Parade and it was a resounding success with over 100 subscriptions and raising a staggering £4880 for the Macmillan Nurses Trust.  Not only did we have a successful parade but we had a great weekend breakaway at the Blue Anchor Holiday park including a Sunday rideout to the Bubble Car museum - lead by Trevor. 

Read all about our parade on the Skegness Light Parade Website by Clicking here.


 Llandudno Light Parade -1 Sep 2023

Great weekend at Llandudno Light Parade, Martin G, Allan, Mark and Debbie managed to trek over.  Martin and Allan arrived on Thursday and made a longer weekend.  They made a new friend also called Allan who will attend the Skegness Light Parade later this month.

Martin's Star Trek Goldwing was awarded a trophy for "MAYOR'S CHOICE SOLO" on the Saturday night.  Allan took the Mayor's wife on his bike during the light parade.  The journey back on the Sunday was a very hot ride.

Pictures by Martin



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