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LINCS WINGS Out and About

(Jan - Apr) 2023

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Here are photos from different events and visits during the year
sent in by our members.


Rutland Water - 29 Apr 2023

It was a nice sunny day (temperature around 9 deg C) when Stephen and Lynne set out to meet up with Trevor and Marion in Sleaford for a ride out to Rutland Water. The Lincolnshire roads at 10.00 am on a Bank Holiday Saturday morning were surprisingly clear, so we had a good run down the A15 to Bourne, where we peeled off to travel west through some lovely lanes and quaint villages before we arrived at Rutland Water.  We headed for the "North" beach where (we had to pay for parking) but we found a nice restaurant for coffee and cakes. 

(Here's our report in the style of Stanley Holloway)

Well first we looked out from the beach
 but the waves were all fiddlin and small. 
There were no ships wrecked, no-one drowded,
 fact nothing to laugh at at-all.  

So seeking further amusement
we paid for a ferry ride. 
It took us all over the water
then stopped on the other side.

The Captian spoke o'er the tannoy
He invited us ashore for a stroll,
but weren't avin none of that. 
What ave them leave us there on our own.

 So we sat in our seats in the sunshine,
and waited for t' boat to set off. 
We sailed t'other way round the water
as we made our way back up t'north.

It were a grand day out for an outing
and the Goldwing just purred like a cat,
we got back to Sleaford undaunted,
Then called in on our friends for a chat.      



Dave has been busy in the garage

Dave is suffering from arthritis in his knees and has been experiencing  difficulty in riding his GL1500 with his knees bent to get his feet on the footrests.  Fearing that his riding days may soon be curtained, he pulled the bike into his workshop and got busy with his cutting and braising tools to modify the crash bars and to add a set of cruising pegs to give him a more comfortable fit.  The bars still perform the same function, but it gives him a bit more room to get his feet on and sit comfortably.  He sent me these pictures to show the before and after view of his bike.

Please send any comments in writing on the back of a £10 note.

Pictures by Dave


Blyton Ride out- 2 April 2023

    The first official ride-out for Lincs Wingers started at Willingham Woods on 2 April 2023.  Nine members showed up to join the ride and we set out at 10.30.  The day was a little bit chilly and most of the wives were complaining that they were cold.  So we all wrapped up warm for the next leg of our journey.  Mark and Debbie led the ride on their blue GL1500, followed by Martin C aboard his red trike,  followed by Doug and Sue, Stephen and Lynne and with Trevor and Marion as tail-end Charlie.  With only 5 bikesin the ride, we didn't need a drop-off system or anything fancy.  We just set off following Mark as he navigated us through Market Rasen, then further East to Caenby Corner and Hemswell heading for Gainsborough.  On arriving in Corringham, we turned off North, heading for Pilham and Blyton.

    Blyton Ice Cream Parlour offered 75 different flavours as well as an extensive menu of meals to be eaten in their small restaurant.  We all ordered our midday meals followed by a nice ice cream dessert.  We sat, ate, and chatted for about one hour before breaking up to make our own ways back home.  Lynne and I followed Trevor and Marion as we re-traced our journey back through Market Rasen, Willingham woods, Hornecastle and Coningsby, making a trip total of 100 miles.

Here are pictures from our trip



Hunstanton Light Parade 2023

The highlight of March for us, of course, is the Hunstanton Light Parade.  And as the days crept up to the end of March, we looked with trepidation out of the window, hoping that the rain and especially the wind would dissipate to give us a good day out.

Most of our region members had made it to Hunstanton on the Friday, which was a truly dreadful day.  Many were in cars, but Martin and Alan made it on their bikes despite the poor conditions.  Alan was on his trike but he thought that Martin on his “Startrek” GL1500 solo was going to be blown overboard.  Never-the-less they made it in one piece.

Me and Trevor did our usual trip and travelled on the Saturday morning.  We were fortunate that it didn’t rain but the wind certainly made it’s presence felt.  At times I had my GL1800 tipped at about 20 degrees to counter the power of the wind.  And the odd gust made it even more adventurous.  Yes you can guess that we left our wives at home for this trip.  However, we arrived safely and parked up on the hard standing – which was a blessing, as we had visions of our bikes sinking into the soaking earth.  Norfolk wings were there in force and welcomed us to the show.  In fact they stayed busy all day long with arrivals until we all slowly departed around 3.00 pm to get dinner and a warm up.

 Trevor and I circulated to get photos of the bikes and then around the town to get a hot coffee and somewhere to keep warm.  The day alternated between sunny spells and showers with the ever present gusts of wind.  Still there were plenty of people out and about as they came to admire the bikes and ask about the event.  At 3.00pm we moved the bikes out to the lorry car park and set up our lights before taking a trip to the town for a nice hot dinner and a pint.  

 We all began to re-assemble in the Lorry car park at 6.15pm and lights and costumes began to be deployed, whilst the Lady Mayor walked around to judge the light shows.  Then at about 6.45pm we set off around the town to the cheers and waves of spectators all around.  We then ended up stopping on the beach road so that spectators could roam between the bikes and get some close-up pictures.  Finally, the horns blew once again and we set of for Searles camp. The whole event from start to finish took just 15 minutes but it was good to join in the first Light Parade of 2023.

Click here to view the album of photos from the day.

Pictures by Stephen


Lincswings Meeting - 5 March 2023

Lincs wingers met for the first time this year at Market Rasen Cricket Club.  The meeting was originally planned for 12 March but the meeting was brought forward as Club was due to begin an extensive refurbishment to recover from last year's flood damage.  Mark opened the meeting with 12 members present, but he noted that Lincs Wings had 35 registered members so he wondered where everyone was !! 

The weather this Sunday was a bit chilly and so the only intrepid riders to show up on a Goldwing was of course Trevor and Marion on their Yellow Peril "Isis".

It was good to see everyone after our winter hibernation.  Hopefully we all had the chance to pay some servicing attention to our wings during the cold months.  However, the aim of the meeting was to agree a timetable of events for the coming year.  Mark was interested in organising ride-outs to get as many of us out and about.  He was also interested in covering more of the southern part of Lincolnshire.  Also, as we planned not to hold a Wingding this year, he saw little need to plan specific meetings as any issues could be covered at the Ride-outs.

The new events calendar can now be viewed on the Lincswings website by clicking "Events/Upcoming Events".  The list includes planned ride-outs, meetings and bike nights, so please come along to join in at any and all events.   

We had an update on the website and noted that the hosting would need to be renewed in November.  Everyone was urged to send in pictures from their travels so as to keep the site current.  The security details to access the "Private Members Area" of the website were discussed and it was decided to update the log-in details.  Members will need to contact the Webmaster by e-mail to receive the updated log-in details.


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