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(May - July) 2023

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Here are photos from different events and visits during the year
sent in by our members.


Skegness Light Parade

In late July, we had a bit of a scare, when Sandy (the SKLP organiser) told us that he and Peggy had been unable to find the sponsorship to support this year’s Light Parade.  This meant that without the £3500 it costs to set up road closures, fire, lost children and first aid support, the parade could not go ahead.  Sandy made his announcement to the wider community but carried on to chivvy local businesses to cough up the much-needed money.  After a long meeting with local representatives, Sandy finally managed to prise open the tightly held purse strings and with the aid of a grant from local council and support from Hildreds, Blue Anchor, The HIVE, the WI and the Rotary Club (note that we awaiting confirmation of what actual support will be forthcoming), he was finally satisfied that we could go ahead with this year’s event.  The announcement has been passed out to the wider community but if you are in any doubt, take it from me that the parade will go ahead on 23 September as planned.  We all plan to have a great weekend at the Golden Palm Holiday camp and hope for an even bigger parade than previous years.  This year’s charity collection will be for the Macmillan Cancer Support Group. 


Boston Bike Night - 6 July 2023

The Boston bike night is a Mecca for bikers and this year's event was no different.  From LINCS Wings, Trev&Marion rode in with Stephen to join a group of Goldwings parked up in Wide Bar Gate (our usual haunt for the bike night).  In the meantime literally thousands of bikers made their way through town and into the Central Park where the main event was being held.  We were soon met by David on his 1500 and we all set off to the chip shop to find our dinner.  After a filling meal, we took a stroll around the Central Park to see the mass of bikes already parked up there.  Having circled the field we returned to Wide Bar Gate to find even more bikes parked on both sides and filling the car park. We sat on our bikes for about one hour and the stream of new arrivals never ended as more and more bikers came to fill up the park.

    Prior to this event, LINCS wings had received a few e-mails from a German Goldwing rider named Jochem.  He was travelling over from Germany to Dover then up to Boston and he intended to visit his uncle who lives in Spilsby.  He had reached out to us in order to meet fellow Goldwing riders and we were pleased to finally meet him and chat about our experiences. He was completely amazed by the scale of the Boston Bike Night, so he can now take back some happy memories of his UK visit.

     As time passed by, we saw many more spectators walking around to admire the bikes, and yes they all loved the Goldwings even when a few Harley's and a BMW came to park up by our side.  Finally by 7.30pm, we decided to slip out to avoid the rush home.  Yes, Boston can become quite congested at these events, but we rode off into the sunset - and couldn't see a thing with the sun in our eyes !!! 

    Lets just say a word of thanks to the organisers and look forward to next year and the 25th anniversary of the Boston Bike Night.

Here are some pictures of the event

Pictures by Stephen


Winterton Show - 1 July 2023

The weather this Saturday had taken a bit of a turn with infrequent showers and strongly gusting wind.  Stephen and Lynne set out from Billinghay at 09.30 travelling up to Lincoln and then North up the A15 to the M180 to meet the others at the Forest Pines Golf Club. By 11.00 we had 7 goldwings, but we waited a further 10 minutes for Michelle  riding a LEBBS blood bike.  LEBBS is the Lincolnshire Emergency Blood Bike Service, a group of volunteers who ride specialist bikes to deliver blood, medicines and equipment to NHS hospitals and the Air ambulance whenever they need it.  The group then set out for a short journey to Winterton Show ground where we assembled next to the tractors to show off our machines.   

    The Winterton Show was quite a big affair with horse jumping competitions, cattle and sheep, tractors, bike races - you name it.  The show included a huge fairground and lots of stalls and kiosks selling goods and offering all kinds of opportunities to part with your hard earned cash.  At the same time, we set up our goldwings to allow folks to come around and admire.  As we were parked on grass, the solo machines were all on side stands so no-one was allowed to sit on them but Alan was happy to accommodate folks to have their photos taken on his trike.

    We had lots of people interested in the wings and at the same time, we explained about the Blood bikes.  We invited them to leave donations to help support the service and by the end of the day, we had helped to raise £70 for LEBBs.

    By 3.30pm the weather was taking a definite turn for the worst so we got dressed and set off back home.  It was a great day out and it was good to share it. 

Here are some photos from the day

Photos by Stephen


Funeral of Ray Bignell - 12 June 2023

In answer to a call on Facebook, bikers were asked to assemble at Kelstern Lincs, to escort Ray Bignell on his final ride to Alford Crematorium.  Trev&Marion with Stephen set out around 12.00 for a ride up through Horncastle and then turning off left at Cadwell to follow country lanes across to Kelstern.  Ray was a fellow winger with a GL1500 trike.  He was also a member of the British Legion and retired RAF.  He had many people who associated with his life and so around 20 bikes assembled at his cottage to follow the Harley Davidson hearse to his final destination.  The entourage consisted many different bikes and riders of different backgrounds, but the procession was well organised with outriders controlling the crossings and junctions.  We set off around 14.15 and followed the hearse for 15 miles on our trip across to Alford, passing Cadwell on the way.  Finally at the crematorium Ray's family and friends entered for the service while the bikers chatted and finally dispersed.  If Ray was watching, I'm sure he would have been proud of his send off on his final ride.

Here is a picture album of our day

    Pictures by Stephen


Rutland Water - 10 June 2023

Our planned ride-out for Saturday 10 June started at the MacDonnalds Carpark in Sleaford.  We arrived between 10.30 and 11.00 with 6 bikes with Mark& Debbie, Doug&Sue, Trev&Marion, Stephen&Lynne, Ian and Dave. We  set out at 11.00 down the A15 towards Bourne and then peeled off west to arrive at Corby Glen.  Trevor led us and he had booked a table for 10 at the March Hare Cafe.  We sat down to a yummy lunchtime treat.  Some had the all day breakfast whilst other took the healthier option of a ploughman's lunch (fortunately the ploughman wasn't there to object).  After lunch we remounted our trusty steeds and followed Trevor down to Rutland Water (North Beach).  Although you have to pay for parking there, it does offer a nice restaurant and facilities so its worth it.  We sat in the sun chatting and enjoying ice creams and cold drinks until around 3.00pm.  We then split up with our more northern buddies opting to get on the A1 for a quick ride north.  In the meantime, Trev&Marion led Dave and Stephen&Lynne for a nice return trip through Melton Mowbray (sorry no pork pies today) then back home.

It was a great day for a ride-out with sunshine and clear skies.  Thanks to Trevor for a well led ride and to our wives for their patience sitting on the back seat. 

Here is a photo album of our day.

Pictures by Stephen


The Sammy Miller Museum - 21 May 2023

A short article from Ian and Sue on their travels.

Sue and I attended the Sammy Miller museum in Hampshire  for the Goldwing gathering on Sunday 21/5/23 which I believe happens each year.

We travelled down on the Saturday and stayed in a Premier Inn in Christchurch just a few miles up the road.

 The Goldwings were placed in the courtyard, I would estimate 30-40 wings marshalled by Rob Anstey, Wessex Rep.

Sammy Miller now 89 years old, known for his trials riding; 11 times British champion, twice European champion, winner of 1482 trials events plus many more in a list too long to detail, he also completed many road and track races including IOM TT.

His museum would take a full day to look at properly with a display of just under 500 bikes and with numerous trophies filling the walls with lots of other significant memorabilia. Unfortunately, we only had a couple of hours in there, but it was well worth a visit.

Click here to view Ian's photos

Pictures by Ian


Lincs Wings Meeting - 13 May 2023

Lincs wingers met at Market Rasen (Rase Park) on 13 May 2023.  The main discussion included our program of ride-outs and the adoption of a charity for 2023.  The next event on our calendar was the Spilsby bike night.  However, a quick poll around the room indicated that not many would be available to attend.  So it was left to individuals to attend if they could.  The next ride-out was planned to go to Corby Glen on 10 June.  It was agreed that if we had a good turnout, we may decide to go instead to Rutland Water as they have better facilities for a larger group.

    Lynne gave a short introduction on the Lincolnshire Emergency Blood Bikes charity (LEBBs) and explained that volunteers used the LEBBS bikes to deliver blood and other medical supplies to hospitals and even to the Lincolnshire Air Ambulance.   It was agreed that LEBBs benefitted everyone in Lincolnshire and it represented a good charity that we could lend our support to collecting donations at appropriate events. It was agreed to contact LEBBs so that we could get collection buckets etc for our attendance at the Wintertin Show on 1 July 2023.

    After the meeting 5 bikes with 8 riders set off to Cleethorpes for fish and chips followed by a visit for tea and bikkies with Martin.  Thank you Martin for your hospitality and thanks to everyone who joined in the fun.


Pictures by Stephen


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